Verification of translations – signature’s, signatory’s position and stamp’s, which all are placed on the document, authentication.

Types of translation verifications:

Verification of translation by the stamp of the bureau – the translated document is laced to the original document (or copy) and is affirmed by the interpreter’s signature and bureau’s stamp. This is a confirmation, that the translation bureau assumes liability for the carried-out translation.

Notarial translation verification – the translated document is laced to the original document (or copy) and is affirmed by the interpreter’s signature and bureau’s stamp. Afterwards, the notary affirms the documents; the signature of the interpreter and the copy of the document. In order to carryout notarial translation verification, together with the translated documents, their originals need to be submitted as well.

Document’s apostilization or Apostille – is a certified verification of a document; signature’s, signatory’s position and stamp’s, which all are placed on the document, authentication with a certificate.